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Carl Peter Schwartz
Stockholm, SE
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Salesforce Lightning App - Tour Manager

Salesforce Lightning App - Tour Manager 1.0 by Carl Peter Schwartz

Tour managers (for musical artists) need to organize and track a lot of information - schedules, finances, travel itineraries, invoices, accomodations... the list goes on. Multiple spreadheets, files, and tools are often a recipe for confusion and error.


Tour Manager 1.0 to the rescue! One tool - a Salesforce Lightning App to organize key event information, automate repetitive tasks, share data with authorized users, and keep the show on the road.

Key Features

Organize important data in tabs (tour dates, venues, expenses, etc.)
Share relevant information with authorized users (controlled by profile settings)
Quickly visualize data at a glance (income and expenses) via home page report charts and dashboard
Generate invoices quickly and easily via flow with data already tracked in Salesforce
Add guests quickly and easily via action button screen flow and receive automated email reminders

Swipe the slides below to learn more about Tour Manager 1.0, my recent Salesforce Lightning App project.

Welcome to the Salesforce Lightning App - Tour Manager 1.0 custom login page!
The Home tab presents upcoming tour dates, today's snapshot, and quick-glance report charts.
Access to tabs, charts, or sensitive information can be restricted based on user and profile settings.
The Tour Dates list view presents select itinerary fields plus quick lookup link to the Venue record view.
The Tour Date record Details tab presents the complete schedule information, contacts, and more.
The Related tab presents key information records associated with each Tour Date.
Click the Add Guest action button at top right to quickly register new guests via screen flow.
The Create Invoice action button at top right quickly creates a printable invoice via screen flow.
Venue information is stored in its own object for reference in future tour visits.
The Venue record view includes details that can be merged in the Tour Date record via formula fields.
Important tour finances can be tracked and summarized in the Income and Expense objects.
Transactions can be quickly added to the Income and Expenses list view by clicking the New button.
Roll-up summary fields calculate total Income and Expenses. A formula calculates the account balance.
Invoices created on the Tour Dates object are available in the Invoices list view.
Invoice headers and payment details can be merged via lookups in the Create Invoice screen flow.
The Printable View button enables the user to print the invoice or save as PDF.
Important tasks are tracked in the Tasks object. More updates coming soon. Thank you for visiting!